Late Homework



Game description:

Late Homework plunges players into the suspenseful scenario of Haneko, a student who has forgotten her homework at school with deadlines looming the very next day. Determined not to let this mistake jeopardize her semester, Haneko decides to brave the nighttime silence and return to her school to retrieve her assignments. However, upon entering the school building, she quickly realizes that the halls she once knew are not as they seem after dark.

A Night of Unforeseen Horrors

As Haneko navigates the deserted school, the game morphs into a survival horror experience where more than just grades are at stake. The hallways she once walked through with ease are now fraught with danger, harboring an eerie anomaly that stalks her from the shadows. Players must use strategy and stealth to help Haneko avoid detection, retrieve her homework, and escape unharmed. The game combines tight, low-poly 3D visuals with a palpable atmosphere of tension, enhancing the feeling of vulnerability and fear with each step Haneko takes deeper into the school.