Death Park

Game description:

Clowns are famous characters of the horror stories. The reason we are afraid of them is not very clear. However, if you think about clown’s behavior, you can say that they are pretty strange guys. As a rule, clowns act stupidly and you can never predict what will they do next. This can remind you of a psycho – you feel uncomfortable near a person like that because you don’t understand what is on his mind and what he is up to do. That is why, you suggest that one of his possible actions might be hurting you. Or maybe the overall image of an unpredictable clown makes us scared because we were always taught to behave in another way.

Well, when it comes to real horror stories, local clowns are not just unpredictable, they are an absolute terror. And maybe the developers of Death Park used this feature to the maximum – the clown you meet here is a pure nightmare. He is ugly, creepy, disastrous, chaotic, and bloodthirsty as hell. You will run from this creature around the place that previously was an entertainment park but now it is ruined and looks like an iron desert. There are numerous locations and puzzles in the game and you will have to investigate and solve them without being caught and killed by the clown. If you manage to solve them all fast and correctly, you will have a chance to run away from this horrifying place. Do your best and don’t die!