Voices Of The Void Pre-Alpha



Game description:

Voices Of The Void Pre-Alpha is a unique simulation game where players step into the role of a scientist stationed in a remote Swiss mountain lab, tasked with detecting and analyzing signals from deep space. This early access version of the game introduces players to a basic gameplay loop that involves collecting signals, decoding them, and then selling the data to earn points. With a choice of over 150 unique signals, players can encounter everything from standard cosmic phenomena like dwarf planets and stars to rare and mysterious anomalies that defy conventional understanding. Each type of signal adds points and unveils bits of a larger, unfolding cosmic story, challenging players to piece together puzzles that reach beyond the earthly realm.

Expanding the Game Through Community Feedback

As a pre-alpha release, Voices Of The Void is in an active state of development and relies heavily on player feedback to shape its progression towards a full release. The game currently features more than 40 days of in-game events and numerous secrets and mysteries to uncover, enriching the player’s experience and engagement. Players are encouraged to participate in the game’s community through a dedicated Discord server, where they can report bugs, suggest improvements, and share discoveries. This collaborative process is crucial for refining gameplay elements and integrating new features that enhance the scientific and exploratory aspects of the game. Additionally, players can support further development through Patreon, directly contributing to the expansion and depth of the game’s universe and its narrative complexities.