Something Bad in the Moon



Game description:

Something Bad in the Moon is a narrative-driven game that builds its foundation on the enigmatic Apollo 17 mission, the last known manned trip to the moon. In the game, players uncover a clandestine sequence of events that followed the mission, revealing that what the public knew was only a fraction of the truth. Players assume the role of a modern researcher who stumbles upon previously classified documents and footage that hint at a horrifying discovery made by the Apollo 17 crew. The gameplay involves piecing together evidence, solving puzzles that unlock encrypted data, and diving into archival footage that reveals the hidden dangers of lunar exploration.

Unraveling Secrets Through Interactive Investigation

As players delve deeper into the game, they encounter a series of secret moon missions that were launched in the wake of Apollo 17. These missions, hidden from public view, were aimed at confronting and containing the mysterious threat identified during the Apollo 17 mission. The game challenges players to navigate through layers of conspiracy, using tools and skills to hack into government databases, decrypt messages, and connect with anonymous sources who provide crucial information. Through interactive environments and realistic problem-solving scenarios, players experience the intensity of uncovering a multi-decade cover-up while grappling with the implications of their discoveries on current space exploration initiatives. The game blends historical facts with speculative fiction, creating a compelling scenario that questions the boundaries of human ambition and fear.