In Bad Parenting 2, players enter a foreboding narrative centered around a young boy whose birthday is forgotten, setting off a cascade of eerie events in his seemingly ordinary home. This psychological horror game builds tension from the mundane disappointment of a neglected special day to the chilling realization that something far more sinister is at play. As the boy deals with the emotional fallout of his family’s neglect, his evening takes a supernatural turn when he is sent to his room as punishment following a family argument, isolating him with nothing but a strange, new doll for company.
This mysterious doll, introduced under mysterious circumstances, quickly becomes a central figure in the unfolding horror. Claiming to be a gift from the enigmatic Mr. Red Face—a character from a bedtime story told by his mother to soothe him—the doll’s eerie nature and the legend surrounding it begin to intermingle with reality. The boy is soon drawn into a disturbing adventure within his own home as the doll seems to animate with a life of its own, compelling him to explore dark corners and confront hidden truths. As he interacts with various objects and unravels puzzles, each discovery leads him closer to understanding who Mr. Red Face might be and what this menacing figure wants from him. Through atmospheric storytelling and interactive gameplay, Bad Parenting 2 immerses players in a child’s fight against a creeping horror that blurs the lines between fiction and reality, testing their courage and resolve to uncover the darkness lurking beneath the surface of everyday life.
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